From Holiday Indulgence to Balance: Reestablishing Nutritious Eating Habits with Catarina Tavora

Hello dear Rocca readers,
Here is Claudia, your founder.
Although the sun continues to embrace us with all its warmth and summer feels like a long way ahead, the morning crisp, the slower sunrise and the city buzz reminds us that September has arrived. We’re entering a new season - a comeback from the holidays, maybe starting a new job or simply trying to get back into our daily routines. No matter how it presents to you, we all feel the “new start” before the end of the year. (For me it is also a reminder that another year has passed as I will be turning 30 something soon! Yeahiii Virgo season!)
Today’s journal post is dedicated to one of the hottest post-holidays topics – how to get back into a healthy, balanced routine. How many times do we overpromise on what we will stick to after the indulging holidays? HOW MANY? We’re all guilty of it but, have no fear, I’ve got you Roccas. As my aim is to always bring you the very best (products, content, information, advice, jokes… you name it), I asked a professional wellness & fitness enthusiast to simplify it for all of us (because it is simple, after all) and guide us with her top tips on how to get back into healthy eating habits. Meet Catarina Tavora!
“Hello Rocca Club! My name is Catarina and I’m a nutritionist and promoter of physical and mental health. I believe that nutrition goes beyond simply eating well - it's a lifestyle, a way of being and living that is reflected in the well-being we feel when we take care of our mind and body. Through nutrition, I inspire and support those who follow me by sharing my philosophy, not only as a health professional but also as a woman. My goal is to help each person gain the confidence, self-esteem, and motivation needed to reach the best version of themselves, living with energy, vitality, and well-being.
We all know that vacations usually mean changes in our daily routines, many food indulgences and less physical exercise - which is not necessarily a bad thing. Stepping out of routine is essential and necessary to return with more energy and motivation, whether it means pick up new healthy eating habits or to start a new personal challenge. The starting point is to find a balance between foods that brings us pleasure and comfort, and the foods that provide the nutrients we need to achieve good nutritional health. There are small habits we can adopt and seamlessly incorporate into our routine that will make a difference:
- Including vegetables in our main meals, such as soup, (which is so culturally ingrained in our Portuguese lifestyle) and adding them on our plate as well, is a great way to ingest many of the nutrients we need, water and fibre, which play a highly satiating role, helping to prevent overeating. For those who are not big fans of soup, vegetables and fruits can always be blended into juices or smoothies, adding a sweeter flavour and making it easier to add them into our daily routine.
- Water makes up 60 to 70% of our body weight, so it is essential to maintain good hydration levels to avoid fatigue, tiredness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, and memory difficulties. The water present in food is not enough to meet the daily hydration needs, so I always recommend the consumption pof at least 1.5 litters of water per day. In addition to water, you can include teas, infusions, or use herbs, fruits, or spices to male flavoured the water - without adding sugar!
- Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants - they should be included in our daily intake. Ideally, prioritize seasonal fruits which are more nutritionally rich, and vary their consumption throughout the day, using them as snacks or as alternative to sugary desserts We can also choose fresh or frozen fruit and add it to smoothies, juices, or shakes.
Whole Grains
- Our main source of carbohydrates should come from whole grains, as they are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Fiber helps regulate bowel function by promoting a healthy gut flora, aids in blood sugar regulation, and provides a feeling of fullness throughout the day. Examples of whole grains include foods like quinoa, oats, whole wheat, rye, buckwheat, brown rice, spelt, amaranth, kamut, or barley. We can include them in our main meals with animal protein, or if combined with legumes, they can replace a meal with animal-based foods, along with vegetables. For snacks and breakfast, it's preferable to choose whole-grain bread or cereals like oats, rye, or quinoa, using them in porridge, pancakes, or smoothies.
By adopting healthy eating habits, we will promote our overall health and increase longevity without compromising the pleasure that food brings us!
Hope you enjoyed these tips! If you want to get in touch, you can find me here:
Instagram: catarinatavora.nutricionista
Happy comeback! 😊
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