Winter Arc: What it is and how can it become a catalyst for growth

Hello dear Rocca readers,
Here is Claudia, your founder.
If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re probably bracing for winter - and I mean that on both levels: physically and emotionally. This process, which we each go through in our own way, is what I recently found is called the Winter Arc – pretty accurate, right?
Since I’m in the business of designing a life well lived for all of you who have joined the Rocca wagon, I decided to approach this topic as it has a strong impact on our lifestyle.
So, let’s dive in. Here’s what to expect from this journal entry:
- What is the Winter Arc?
- How we can use it to our advantage
- My personal list of top winter tips and tools
- Some honest thoughts (and my usual rants!)
What is the Winter Arc?
You may not have heard of it, but I bet you’ve felt it: that seasonal shift that has us layering up, both in wardrobe and mindset. It’s an arc that brings reflection, and sometimes nostalgia, as the year closes, and a natural push to pause and reset –for many of us (guilty), it also means overindulging in cosy foods that make their way into my hips, lower tummy and legs. Not fun.
We might or might not be conscious of it, but winter is a time to let go of what no longer serves us and to make space for growth (spring, when everything flourishes – poetic right??). This is the time we should ask ourselves: so, what is it that we want? What really matters? What feels truly aligned with who we are becoming? This year, rather than dreading this season, let’s embrace it as a moment to reset and get ahead of the “winter game”. I decided to craft a list that I will put into practice and hopefully, many of you will find it useful!
Here’s my plan to make the most of this Winter Arc and not fall into the cold trap:
- Craft My Vision – I’m not waiting until New Year’s. If you’re with me, sit down and craft a vision for what you truly want to welcome into your life. Make it a habit. There’s power in taking charge now instead of waiting for the New Year. I’ve been doing this for 3 years now and not only things got much clearer for me, I’ve started to manifest A LOT more.
- Create Space - Clear out the old. Outdated items, draining relationships, stale habits - let them all go. This is the time we evaluate what is sparking joy (hehe) and what isn’t doing it for us anymore. Letting go invites new opportunities and good things to come in – if there is no space for them to land, they’ll never do. Simple physics.
- Invest in Self-Care - Winter doesn’t mean putting ourselves on hold and hiding beneath baggy clothes. Yes, I love them as much as you (as you might tell from my brand…), but it’s not a free pass to let ourselves go. Take care of your skin, mind, and body. Come January, you’ll feel grounded, clear, and ready for what’s ahead. Also, you’ll probably be more conscious during the never-ending Christmas parties, dinners and the event itself. Indulge, but keep some balance. Pick up a new hobby, listen to different podcasts, start a new workout… there are endless things we can do to feel better – and if we feel better, everything just WORKS out better. Trust the process.
Sounds like a lot? Let me share how I integrate it daily.
My mornings start early, at 6 a.m., with journaling over coffee (a habit I picked up 2 years ago), then I walk to the gym and while I’m getting my steps in, I’m listening to my daily meditation (will share the deets at the end), I do my planned workout (this is key for consistency) and listening to my top favourite podcast channels. I get back home, dry bush before I shower, get out, cream up and do my skincare routine – all done before 9 a.m. And guess what? I feel preeeetty damn good and energized for the day because I did all these things FOR ME (self-care) before hitting the laptop - it’s about small steps for the big picture. And it works!
I hope these ideas are helpful. Let’s embrace the winter arc together and make it a season of growth. Here are the links to the tools that help me daily:
Meditation – To Be Magnetic
Podcasts – Expanded, Dream Bigger, His & Hers, Working Hard or Hardly Working, Smartless and Extremamente Desagradável (Portuguese, my favourite for a good laugh).
Dry Brush – Barbara Sturm Dry Brush Soft. I got mine 2 years ago and it’s in perfect condition.
Skincare – you’ll have to wait… we’ll have a VERY special guest soon talking all things skincare!
Thank you and take care.
Claudia x
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